02 March, 2014

Prime Time

When I was in high school I was convinced there was something wrong with my face. It seemed like no matter what makeup I used, by the end of the day you couldn’t even tell I had applied it in the morning! 

Fast forward a couple years and I had finally discovered a solution: primers. These little gems provide a magical layer over your skin, creating a smooth and ready canvas for your makeup.
I use a handful of primers every day before I apply makeup. Here are some of my absolute favorites! 


For your face:
I’ve sampled primers that feel (and smell) like glue. Yuck! But not these ones. 

 1. Dermalogica Clearing Mattifier: this balm clears breakouts and controls shine, while smoothing any lines or uneven texture. I love the way this feels; I apply it after my morning moisturizer and before my foundation.

2. Clinique Primer: this is from Clinique's great new line of superprimers. These products conquer common skin complaints from redness to discolorations. The one I've been using is to correct dullness. With this never ending winter I felt my skin needed a little extra boost and this delivers! Again, it goes on post-moisturizer and pre-foundation.

For your eyes:
You need only the smallest swipe on each eyelid to prevent your eyeshadow from creasing and you liner from running. I seriously swear by these!

3. Urban Decay Primer Potion: I've tried a few of the shades and prefer the original.

4. Benefit Stay Don't Stray: I especially love the smaller sized ones that come with a lot of the Benefit kits. Great for travel!

For your lips:
I LOVE love love a bold lip color and have learned that the key to the perfect pout is prepping your lips. Exfoliate with a gentle primer, apply a coat of lipstick, blot and dust some transparent powder over your lips, then apply another coat. Done!

5. Fresh Sugar Lip Polish: This is magic. It’s a tad pricy but you only need a teeny dab. It smells and tastes like brown sugar! 

Do you use primers? What are your favorites?

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